Niesamowita sztuka ze zużytej elektroniki

Zużyta lub zniszczona elektronika wcale nie musi zajmować miejsca na półce lub szafie. Stare telefony, płyty główne, a nawet nośniki optyczne można wykorzystać do praktycznych i artystycznych celów. Wystarczy odrobina wyobraźni, aby elektroniczny złom stał się czymś więcej niż zlepkiem krzemu i miedzi.

Marcin Krzewicki

Artist Bruce Munro with his 600,000 CD art installation at Long Knoll, Wiltshire. See SWNS story SWCD: A innovative artist has created a glittering ocean 40 miles inland - using 600,000 recycled COMPACT DISCS. Renowned light installation artist Bruce Munro, 51, created the enormous CD wave to give a feeling of ''reflection'' using commonplace materials. He directed a team of 140 volunteers as they placed the myriad shiny discs in an intricate wave pattern on the grounds of his farmhouse in Kilmington, Wilts., to create 'CD Sea'. The reflective discs are consistently laid out over 10,000 square metres of grass, interrupted only by a single serpentine wave of grass running across the field. Father-of-four Bruce said: ''Lots of the pieces that I work on are about reflection - about what might be and what has gone before.
Artist Bruce Munro with his 600,000 CD art installation at Long Knoll, Wiltshire. See SWNS story SWCD: A innovative artist has created a glittering ocean 40 miles inland - using 600,000 recycled COMPACT DISCS. Renowned light installation artist Bruce Munro, 51, created the enormous CD wave to give a feeling of ''reflection'' using commonplace materials. He directed a team of 140 volunteers as they placed the myriad shiny discs in an intricate wave pattern on the grounds of his farmhouse in Kilmington, Wilts., to create 'CD Sea'. The reflective discs are consistently laid out over 10,000 square metres of grass, interrupted only by a single serpentine wave of grass running across the field. Father-of-four Bruce said: ''Lots of the pieces that I work on are about reflection - about what might be and what has gone before.
Artist Bruce Munro with his 600,000 CD art installation at Long Knoll, Wiltshire. See SWNS story SWCD: A innovative artist has created a glittering ocean 40 miles inland - using 600,000 recycled COMPACT DISCS. Renowned light installation artist Bruce Munro, 51, created the enormous CD wave to give a feeling of ''reflection'' using commonplace materials. He directed a team of 140 volunteers as they placed the myriad shiny discs in an intricate wave pattern on the grounds of his farmhouse in Kilmington, Wilts., to create 'CD Sea'. The reflective discs are consistently laid out over 10,000 square metres of grass, interrupted only by a single serpentine wave of grass running across the field. Father-of-four Bruce said: ''Lots of the pieces that I work on are about reflection - about what might be and what has gone before.
Artist Bruce Munro with his 600,000 CD art installation at Long Knoll, Wiltshire. See SWNS story SWCD: A innovative artist has created a glittering ocean 40 miles inland - using 600,000 recycled COMPACT DISCS. Renowned light installation artist Bruce Munro, 51, created the enormous CD wave to give a feeling of ''reflection'' using commonplace materials. He directed a team of 140 volunteers as they placed the myriad shiny discs in an intricate wave pattern on the grounds of his farmhouse in Kilmington, Wilts., to create 'CD Sea'. The reflective discs are consistently laid out over 10,000 square metres of grass, interrupted only by a single serpentine wave of grass running across the field. Father-of-four Bruce said: ''Lots of the pieces that I work on are about reflection - about what might be and what has gone before.
Źródło artykułu:WP Gadżetomania

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