Jak poradzić sobie z rosnącymi cenami warzyw i owoców? Najlepiej hodować je samemu; tym, którzy nie mają przydomowego ogródka, z pomocą przyjdzie technologia. Zobaczcie "pełnoprawne", wyhodowane w sztucznym świetle warzywa!
Yellow peppers are illuminated by the light of a flash while the rest of the plant is seen under blue and red Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights at PlantLab, a private research facility, in Den Bosch, central Netherlands, Monday March 28, 2011. Farming is moving indoors, where the sun never shines, where rainfall is irrelevant and where the climate is always right The perfect crop field could be inside a windowless building with meticulously controlled light, temperature, humidity, air quality and nutrition. It could be in a New York high-rise, a Siberian bunker, or a sprawling complex in the Saudi desert. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)